Saving has no age. Only future.
Poupança Mutualista Prazo 5.1 2025/30 - 3ª Série
Subscription between January 31 to February 27, 2025.
Saving has no age. Only future.
Poupança Mutualista Prazo 5.1 2025/30 - 3ª Série
Subscription between January 31 to February 27, 2025.
The FGD (DGF) guarantees reimbursement of up to a maximum amount of 100,000 euros for each depositor and per institution, regardless of whether the depositor is resident in Portugal or not and whether the deposit is made in national or foreign currency. The maximum limit applies to the total value of each depositor's balances considering all deposits made at each banking institution.
When calculating the value of each depositor's accounts, the combined value of the deposit accounts on the date on which the unavailability occurred, including interest, is considered. In the case of deposits made in foreign currency, the balance is converted into Euros, at the exchange rate on that date (reference exchange rate published by the Bank of Portugal).
In the case of collective accounts and in the absence of any provision to the contrary, the FGD (DGF) divides the reimbursement relating to the account equally. As an example, if a couple holds a deposit account with a balance of 50,000 euros, each is entitled to receive 25,000 euros. If the couple holds a deposit account with a balance of 200,000 euros, each is entitled to receive 100,000 euros, as the reimbursement is per depositor.
For more information and access to frequently asked questions about the FGD (DGF), please consult the website