Mutualist savings

The future of Members.

Discover the solutions available at the Montepio Associação Mutualista, which help to fulfill dreams and objectives by paving the way for the future and guaranteeing the present.

Mutualist savings

Poup. Mutualista Prazo 5.1 2025-30 - 3.ª Série
  • Accepted minimum deposit €150

  • Average ANGR (Annual Nominal Gross Rate) of 2,250% 

  • Term of 5 years and 1 day

  • Pre-mature withdrawal of funds 

  • Does not allow funds’ reinforcements

  • Annual interest payment on savings

  • Savings guaranteed by the Assets of the Montepio Mutualist Association

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Mutualist savings

Poupança Mutualista Complementar
  • Accepted minimum deposit €100

  • Attractive valuation

  • Recommended term more than 5 years

  • Pre-mature withdrawal of funds 

  • Does not allow funds’ reinforcements

  • Free or scheduled deliveries

  • Annual interest payment on savings

  • Savings guaranteed by the Assets of the Montepio Mutualist Association 

Mutualist savings

Poupança Mutualista Complementar Jovem
  • Accepted minimum deposit €100

  • Attractive valuation

  • Pre-mature withdrawal of funds

  • Allows reinforcements

  • Free or scheduled deliveries

  • Annual interest payment on savings

  • Savings guaranteed by the Assets of the Montepio Mutualist Association

Mutualist savings

Proteção Mutualista 5 em 5
  • Guarantees the receipt of capital every 5 years, for a period of 10, 15 or 20 years

  • Does not allow reinforcements

  • Single or scheduled deliveries

  • Annual interest payment on savings 

  • Coverage guaranteed by the Assets of Montepio Mutualist Association 

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Mutualist savings

Proteção Mutualista 18-30
  • It guarantees that the child or young person you want to cover receives the amount subscribed in the year determined by you. 

  • Minimum term 5 years

  •  Does not allow reinforcements

  • Single or scheduled deliveries  

  • Annual interest payment on savings

  • Coverage guaranteed by the Assets of Montepio Mutualist Association

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Montepio Mutualist Association

180 years of security.

The experience of over 180 years of protecting and monetising the contributions and savings of more than 600 thousand members, makes the Montepio Associação Mutualista a symbol in the area of Savings in Portugal and a reference in the mutualist sector and the Social Economy. All capital, pensions or rent payable by the Association are guaranteed by its assets and heritage.

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The Montepio Associação Mutualista is a majority stakeholder of Banco Montepio, holding almost all of its share capital. Mutualist products are types of social security benefits for individuals. They are not bank deposits, insurance, retirement plans, investment funds or financial instruments, and are not covered by the Deposit Guarantee Fund, the Investor Compensation System, or by any other public or state guarantee or protection system. Only the Association's assets cover the liabilities undertaken. Subscription to the Mutualist products can be made at Banco Montepio branches or through the Association's digital channels - or - with Banco Montepio acting as a distributor. Banco Montepio and Montepio Associação Mutualista are independent entities, with a different  nature and legal regime, namely Banco Montepio is a credit institution, while the Montepio Associação Mutualista is a private social solidarity institution, regulated by its own diploma (Decree Law no. 72/90, of March 3) and other applicable legislation. It is  not a credit institution, an insurance company or an investment/pension fund management company.

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