Saving has no age. Only future.
Poupança Mutualista Prazo 5.1 2025/30 - 3ª Série
Subscription between January 31 to February 27, 2025.
Saving has no age. Only future.
Poupança Mutualista Prazo 5.1 2025/30 - 3ª Série
Subscription between January 31 to February 27, 2025.
Banco Montepio adheres to the following Consumer Conflict Arbitration Centers (which are part of the National Consumer Arbitration Network):
• CACCL – Centro de Arbitragem de Conflitos de Consumo de Lisboa
• CICAP – Centro de Informação de Consumo e Arbitragem do Porto
• CNIACC – Centro Nacional de Informação e Arbitragem de Conflitos de Consumo
In case of disputes arising from services contracted online, you may resort to the Online Dispute Resolution Platform (ODR). In the case of cross-border consumer disputes and those of a value lower than the jurisdiction of the first instance judicial court (except for mortgage credit and consumer credit, which have no value limit), you may resort to the Lisbon Consumer Conflict Arbitration Center (CACCL), which is part of the network of national bodies competent to resolve consumer complaints in the field of financial services (FIN-NET Network). Resorting to other entities adhering to the FIN-NET network is dependent on the prior agreement of Banco Montepio.
The use of alternative dispute resolution methods, through the entities identified above, is available for disputes concerning:
• Provision of payment services;
• Issuance of electronic money;
• Mortgage credit granted under Decree-Law No. 74-A/2017, of June 23;
• Consumer credit granted under Decree-Law No. 133/2009, of June 2;
• Provision of account switching services;
• Rights and duties established in the Legal Regime of Basic Banking Services;
• Marketing and provision of services related to financial instruments, retail investment products, and insurance-based investment products;
• Marketing of insurance and pension funds.
Banco Montepio is a signatory of the Protocol on Alternative Dispute Resolution Mechanisms (ADR), established with the CMVM, through which it accepts the use of ADR mechanisms whenever the dispute concerns financial intermediation activities, as defined in Article 289 of the Securities Code, provided that the amount in dispute does not exceed €15,000 (fifteen thousand euros), and if the consumer client's claim, as a non-professional investor, has not been fully satisfied in a prior complaint submitted to Banco Montepio and the CMVM.
The entities that provide ADR mechanisms, and to which Banco Montepio adheres under the Protocol with the CMVM, are as follows:
• Centro de Informação de Consumo e Arbitragem do Porto (“CICAP”)
• Centro de Arbitragem de Conflitos de Consumo de Lisboa (“CACCL”)
• Centro de Arbitragem de Conflitos de Consumo da Região de Coimbra (“CACRC”)
• Centro de Arbitragem de Conflitos de Consumo do Ave, Tâmega e Sousa (“TRIAVE”)
• Centro de Informação, Mediação e Arbitragem de Consumo (Tribunal Arbitral de Consumo) (“CIAB”)
• Centro de Informação, Mediação e Arbitragem do Algarve (“CIMAAL”)
• Centro Nacional de Informação e Arbitragem de Conflitos de Consumo (“CNIACC”)
• Centro de Arbitragem de Conflitos de Consumo da Região Autónoma da Madeira (“CACC RAM”)
You can find the contacts of these Arbitration Centers through the Direção Geral do Consumidor, on the Consumer Portal ( For more information about the Protocol, please visit the CMVM website at
In addition to the aforementioned means, customers can also submit complaints through the following channels:
• Through the form available on the Bank's website
• At any Banco Montepio branch
• By phone, through the number +351 217 241 624 (personalized service from 8 am to 12 am, cost of call to national fixed network)
• In the Complaints Book, available at any Bank branch or through the electronic version
• By letter or email addressed to the Complaints Management Department: Rua Castilho, nº 5, 1250-066 Lisboa |
• Directly with the Supervisory Authorities: Banco de Portugal (Apartado 2240, 1106-001 Lisboa, or through the website, CMVM (Rua Laura Alves, n.º 4, 1064-003 Lisboa, or through the website; Insurance and Pension Funds Supervisory Authority (Avenida da República, n.º 76, 1600-205 Lisboa, or through the website
Without prejudice to the legal provisions regarding the Complaints Book, Banco Montepio provides a service that analyzes customer complaints whenever they consider that there has been any irregularity in the protection of their interests or non-compliance with obligations by the Bank.
You can obtain additional information about Alternative Dispute Resolution Entities (RAL) from the competent national authority (Directorate-General for Consumers), on the Consumer Portal Portal do Consumidor.