Saving has no age. Only future.
Poupança Mutualista Prazo 5.1 2025/30 - 3ª Série
Subscription between January 31 to February 27, 2025.
Saving has no age. Only future.
Poupança Mutualista Prazo 5.1 2025/30 - 3ª Série
Subscription between January 31 to February 27, 2025.
Customers or users who wish to express their dissatisfaction with the provision of services, marketing of products or quality of service must do so formally, with the complaint being analysed and responded to by Banco Montepio's Complaints Management Department.
The complainant must indicate their identification details that allow analysis, namely their full name, address, tax identification number and email address, if any.
The complainant must describe in a clear, complete and substantiated manner the facts that motivate the complaint, accompanied by the respective supporting documents, if any, in order to carry out a rigorous analysis, for a subsequent objective response.
Complaints may be submitted through the following means:
• Using the form available on the Bank's website
• At any Banco Montepio branch.
• By telephone, on +351 217 241 635 (personalised support from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m., call charged per national landline network)
• In the Complaints’ Book, available at any Bank branch or via the eletronic version.
• By letter or email addressed to the Complaints Management Department:
Rua Castilho, nº 5, 1250-066 Lisboa |
• Directly through the Supervisory Authorities: Bank of Portugal (Apartado 2240, 1106-001 Lisboa, or via the website, CMVM (Rua Laura Alves, n.º 4, 1064-003 Lisboa, or via the website; Insurance and Pension Funds Supervision Authority (Avenida da República, n.º 76, 1600-205 Lisboa, or via the website
Complaints are acknowledged on the same day or the next working day by email to complainants who provide their address.
The Complaints Management Department takes all the necessary steps to analyse the facts alleged by the complainant in an impartial and rigorous manner.
All steps are taken to swiftly conclude the analysis of complaints. In highly complex cases, the complainant is kept informed in writing.
At the end of the analysis, the Complaints Management Department informs the complainant in writing of its decision, whether they are right or wrong, in a reasoned and easy-to-understand manner.
Responses to complaints that are not subject to legal deadlines are communicated within 30 working days, except in highly complex cases.
In all other cases, the established legal deadlines are respected.