Clementina Barroso.

Non-executive member

Clementina Barroso

Graduated in Management and Ph.D. in Applied Business Management from ISCTE – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa. She is a Professor in the Finance Department of the same institution where she has taught finance subjects in various programs of the 1st and 2nd grades.

In the context of university activity, she was Director of the Bachelor's degrees in Management and Finance at ISCTE-IUL and General Director of INDEG/ISCTE.

She is an Official Accountant Reviewer (ROC) and performs management and administration activities in companies. In parallel, she is a Member of the Board of Directors of Greenvolt – Energias Renováveis and a Member of the Board of IPCG – Instituto Português de Corporate Governance.

Co-author of the books: Company Finances, Financial Investments, and Introduction to Finances.

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