Saving has no age. Only future.
Poupança Mutualista Prazo 5.1 2025/30 - 3ª Série
Subscription between February 28 to March 30, 2025.
Saving has no age. Only future.
Poupança Mutualista Prazo 5.1 2025/30 - 3ª Série
Subscription between February 28 to March 30, 2025.
EAR of 4,5% for a funding example with a Variable Nominal Annual Interest Rate (TAN) of 3,814%, resulting from adding a spread of 1.20% to the Euribor index for 6 months of February 2025 (2,614%- average of daily Euribor 6-month quotations of the previous month, on a 360-day basis rounded to the nearest thousandth) – 360 monthly installments of €466,75. The Total Amount attributed to the Consumer is €119.774,61.
Finance example for €100,000.00, for a 30-year period, for 2 joint account holders for 30 years, and funding/guarantee ratio of 80%, intended for the acquisition of permanent housing. Commissions and Expenses at the beginning of the term: €2,419.89; Commissions during the term (monthly): €5.41 commission for maintaining a Current Deposit Account; (annual): €18.20 commission for providing the Debit Card; Insurance premiums: Multi-risk (annual): €78.60; Life Insurance (average monthly value): €19,34.
EAR of 4,3%, considering the optional subscription of products/services*, for a funding example with a Variable Nominal Annual Rate (TAN) of 3,414%, resulting from the added spread of 0.80% to the Euribor index to 6 months of February 2025 (2,614% - average of the daily Euribor 6-month quotations of the previous month, on a 360-day basis rounded to the nearest thousandth) - 360 monthly installments of €444,26. The Total Amount Attributed to the Consumer is €174.001,55.
Finance example for €100,000.00, for a 30-year period, for 2 joint account holders for 30 years, and funding/guarantee ratio of 80%, intended for the acquisition of permanent housing. Commissions and Expenses at the beginning of the term: €2,419.89; Commissions during the term (monthly): €5.41 commission for maintaining a Current Deposit Account; (annual): €18.20 commission for providing the Debit Card; Insurance premiums: Multi-risk (annual): €78.60; Life Insurance (average monthly value): €18,88.
*These values assume an optional subscription to four of the following products/services: Salary Account; Credit Card with minimum use of €500/semester (maximum EAR of 18,6%) (1); PPCH Life Insurance (subscribed to Lusitania Vida Seguros) (2); Housing Coverage Insurance (subscribed with Lusitania Seguros) (2); Protection Insurance (subscribed to Lusitania Seguros and/or Lusitania Vida Seguros): vehicle, accident or health (2); Member of Montepio Mutualist Association.
EAR of 4,5% for a funding example with a Fixed Nominal Annual Rate (TAN) of 3,700% during the 2-year fixed rate period (2,500% fixed rate, February 2025 value, plus 1 .20%). In the remaining period, the Variable TAN is 3,814%, resulting from the addition of the spread of 1.20%, to the Euribor index for the 6 months of February 2025 (2,614% - average of the daily Euribor 6-month quotations of the previous month, on a 360-day basis rounded to the nearest thousandth) - 24 monthly installments of €460,28 and 336 monthly installments of €466,41. The Total Amount Attributed to the Consumer is €179.496,07.
Funding example of €100,000.00, for 30 years, for 2 joint account holders for a 30-year period, and funding/guarantee ratio of 80%, intended for the acquisition of permanent housing. Commissions and Expenses at the beginning of the term: €2,419.89; Commissions during the term (monthly): €5.41 commission for maintaining a Current Account Deposit; (annual): €18.20 commission for providing the Debit Card; Insurance premiums: Multi-risk (annual): €78.60; Life Insurance (average monthly value): €19,33.
APR of 4,2%, considering the optional subscription of products/services*, for a funding example with a Fixed Nominal Annual Rate (TAN) of 3,300% during the 2-year fixed rate period (fixed rate of 2,500%, value of February 2025, plus a spread of 0.80%). In the remaining period, the Variable TAN is 3,414% resulting from the added spread of 0.80%, to the Euribor index for the 6 months of February 2025 (2,614% - average of the daily Euribor 6-month quotations of the previous month, on a 360-day basis rounded to the nearest thousandth) - 24 monthly installments of €437,96 and 336 monthly installments of €443,91. The Total Amount Attributed to the Consumer is €173.729,50.
Funding example of €100,000.00, for 30 years, for 2 joint account holders for a 30-year period, and funding/guarantee ratio of 80%, intended for the acquisition of permanent housing. Commissions and Expenses at the beginning of the term: €2,419.89; Commissions during the term (monthly): €5.41 commission for maintaining a Current Account Deposit; (annual): €18.20 commission for providing the Debit Card; Insurance premiums: Multi-risk (annual): €78.60; Life Insurance (average monthly value): €18,87.
*These values assume an optional subscription to four of the following products/services: Salary Account; Credit Card with minimum use of €500/semester (maximum EAR of 18,6%) (1); PPCH Life Insurance (subscribed to Lusitania Vida Seguros) (2); Housing Coverage Insurance (subscribed with Lusitania Seguros) (2); Protection Insurance (subscribed to Lusitania Seguros and/or Lusitania Vida Seguros): vehicle, accident or health (2); Member of Montepio Mutualist Association.
EAR of 5,2% for a funding example with a Fixed Nominal Annual Rate (TAN) of 4.400% over the 30-year fixed rate period (fixed rate of 3.200%, value of February 2025, plus a spread of 1.10%). 360 monthly installments of €500,76. The Total Amount Attributed to the Consumer is €192.258,53.
Example of funding of €100,000.00, for a 30-year period, for 2 joint account holders for 30 years, and financing/guarantee ratio of 80%, intended for the acquisition of permanent housing. Commissions and Expenses at the beginning of the term: €2,419.89; Commissions during the term (monthly): €5.41 commission for maintaining a Current Deposit Account; (annual): €18.20 commission for providing the Debit Card; Insurance premiums: Multi-risk (annual): 78,60€; Life Insurance (monthly average value): 20,02€.
EAR of 4,8%, considering the optional subscription of products/services*, for a funding example with a Fixed Nominal Annual Rate (TAN) of 4.000% during the 30-year fixed rate period (fixed rate of 3.200%, value of February 2025, plus a spread of 0.80%). 360 monthly installments of €477,42. The Total Amount Attributed to the Consumer is €186.180,53.
Example of funding of €100,000.00, for a 30-year period, for 2 joint account holders for 30 years, and financing/guarantee ratio of 80%, intended for the acquisition of permanent housing. Commissions and Expenses at the beginning of the term: €2,419.89; Commissions during the term (monthly): €5.41 commission for maintaining a Current Deposit Account; (annual): €18.20 commission for providing the Debit Card; Insurance premiums: Multi-risk (annual): 78,60€; Life Insurance (monthly average value): 19,56€.
*These values assume an optional subscription to four of the following products/services: Salary Account; Credit Card with minimum use of €500/semester (maximum EAR of 18,6%) (1); PPCH Life Insurance (subscribed to Lusitania Vida Seguros) (2); Housing Coverage Insurance (subscribed with Lusitania Seguros) (2); Protection Insurance (subscribed to Lusitania Seguros and/or Lusitania Vida Seguros): vehicle, accident or health (2); Member of Montepio Mutualist Association.
APR of 4,4% for a funding example with a Variable Nominal Annual Rate (TAN) of 3,814%, which results from the added spread of 1.20% to the Euribor index for 6 months of February 2025 (2,614% - average of daily Euribor 6-month quotations of the previous month, on a 360-day basis rounded to the nearest thousandth) – 360 monthly installments of €466,75. The Total Amount Attributed to the Consumer is €178.101,06.
Funding example of €100,000.00, for a 30-year period, for 2 joint account holders, for 30 years, and a funding/guarantee ratio of 80%, intended for the transfer of a loan for permanent home ownership. Commissions and Expenses at the beginning of the term: €746,33; Commissions during the term (monthly): €5.41 commission for maintaining a Current Deposit Account; (annual): €18.20 commission for providing the Debit Card; Insurance premiums: Multi-risk (annual): €78.60; Life Insurance (average monthly value): €19,34.
APR of 4,1%, considering the optional subscription of products/services*, for an example of financing with a Variable Nominal Annual Rate (TAN) of 3,414%, which results from the added spread of 0.80% to the Euribor index to 6 months of February 2025 (2,614% - average of the daily Euribor 6-month quotations of the previous month, on a 360-day basis rounded to the nearest thousandth) - 360 monthly installments of €444,26. The Total Amount Attributed to the Consumer is €172.328,00.
Funding example of €100,000.00, for a 30-year period, for 2 joint account holders, for 30 years, and a funding/guarantee ratio of 80%, intended for the transfer of a loan for permanent home ownership. Commissions and Expenses at the beginning of the term: €746,33; Commissions during the term (monthly): €5.41 commission for maintaining a Current Deposit Account; (annual): €18.20 commission for providing the Debit Card; Insurance premiums: Multi-risk (annual): €78.60; Life Insurance (average monthly value): €18,88.
*These values assume an optional subscription to four of the following products/services: Salary Account; Credit Card with minimum use of €500/semester (maximum EAR of 18,6%) (1); PPCH Life Insurance (subscribed to Lusitania Vida Seguros) (2); Housing Coverage Insurance (subscribed with Lusitania Seguros) (2); Protection Insurance (subscribed to Lusitania Seguros and/or Lusitania Vida Seguros): vehicle, accident or health (2); Member of Montepio Mutualist Association.
APR of 4,4% for a financing example with a Fixed Nominal Annual Rate (TAN) of 3,700% during the 2-year fixed rate period (2,500% fixed rate, February 2025 value, plus spread of 1.20%). In the remaining period, the Variable TAN is 3,814%, resulting from the addition of the spread of 1.20%, to the Euribor index for the 6 months of February 2025 (2,632% - average of the daily Euribor 6-month quotations of the previous month, on a 360-day basis rounded to the nearest thousandth) – 24 monthly installments of €460,28 and 336 monthly installments of €467,38. The Total Amount Attributed to the Consumer is €177.822,52.
Funding example of €100,000.00, for a 30-year period, for 2 joint account holders, for 30 years, and finance/guarantee ratio of 80%, intended for the transfer of credit for permanent home ownership. Commissions and Expenses at the beginning of the term: €746,33; Commissions during the term (monthly): €5.41 commission for maintaining a Current Deposit Account; (annual): €18.20 commission for providing the Debit Card; Insurance premiums: Multi-risk (annual): €78.60; Life Insurance (average monthly value): €19,33.
APR of 4,1%, considering the optional subscription of products/services*, for an example of financing with a Fixed Nominal Annual Rate (TAN) of 3,300% during the 2-year fixed rate period (fixed rate of 2,500%, value of February 2025, plus a spread of 0.80%). In the remaining period, the Variable TAN is 3,414% resulting from the addition of the spread of 0.80%, to the Euribor index for the 6 months of February 2025 (2,614% - simple arithmetic average of the daily Euribor 6-month quotations of the previous month, on a 360-day basis rounded to the nearest thousandth) - 24 monthly installments of €437,96€ and 336 monthly installments of €443,91. The Total Amount Attributed to the Consumer is €172.055,95.
Funding example of €100,000.00, for a 30-year period, for 2 joint account holders, for 30 years, and finance/guarantee ratio of 80%, intended for the transfer of credit for permanent home ownership. Commissions and Expenses at the beginning of the term: €746,33; Commissions during the term (monthly): €5.41 commission for maintaining a Current Deposit Account; (annual): €18.20 commission for providing the Debit Card; Insurance premiums: Multi-risk (annual): €78.60; Life Insurance (average monthly value): €18,87.
*These values assume an optional subscription to four of the following products/services: Salary Account; Credit Card with minimum use of €500/semester (maximum EAR of 18,6%) (1); PPCH Life Insurance (subscribed to Lusitania Vida Seguros) (2); Housing Coverage Insurance (subscribed with Lusitania Seguros) (2); Protection Insurance (subscribed to Lusitania Seguros and/or Lusitania Vida Seguros): vehicle, accident or health (2); Member of Montepio Mutualist Association.
APR of 5,0% for a funding example with a Fixed Nominal Annual Rate (TAN) of 4.400% over the 30-year fixed rate period (3.200% fixed rate, February 2025 value, plus a spread of 1.20%). 360 monthly installments of €500,76. The Total Amount Attributed to the Consumer is €190.584,98.
Funding example of €100,000.00, for 30 years, for 2 joint account holders, for 30 years, and a funding/guarantee ratio of 80%, intended for the transfer of loans for permanent home ownership. Commissions and Expenses at the beginning of the term: €746,33; Commissions during the term (monthly): €5.41 commission for maintaining a Current Deposit Account; (annual): €18.20 commission for providing the Debit Card; Insurance premiums: Multi-risk (annual): €78.60; Life Insurance (average monthly value): €20,02.
APR of 4,7%, considering the optional subscription of products/services*, for a funding example with a Fixed Nominal Annual Rate (TAN) of 4,000% during the 30-year fixed rate period (fixed rate of 3.200%, value of February 2025, plus a spread of 0.80%). 360 monthly installments of €477,42. The Total Amount Attributed to the Consumer is €184.506,98.
Funding example of €100,000.00, for 30 years, for 2 joint account holders, for 30 years, and a funding/guarantee ratio of 80%, intended for the transfer of loans for permanent home ownership. Commissions and Expenses at the beginning of the term: €746,33; Commissions during the term (monthly): €5.41 commission for maintaining a Current Deposit Account; (annual): €18.20 commission for providing the Debit Card; Insurance premiums: Multi-risk (annual): €78.60; Life Insurance (average monthly value): €19,56.
*These values assume an optional subscription to four of the following products/services: Salary Account; Credit Card with minimum use of €500/semester (maximum EAR of 18,6%) (1); PPCH Life Insurance (subscribed to Lusitania Vida Seguros) (2); Housing Coverage Insurance (subscribed with Lusitania Seguros) (2); Protection Insurance (subscribed to Lusitania Seguros and/or Lusitania Vida Seguros): vehicle, accident or health (2); Member of Montepio Mutualist Association.
APR of 4,7%, for a funding example with a Variable Nominal Annual Rate (TAN) of 3,914%, resulting from the added spread of 1.30%, to the Euribor index for 6 months of February 2025 (2,614% - average of daily Euribor 6-month quotations of the previous month, on a 360-day basis rounded to the nearest thousandth) - 360 monthly installments of €472,47. The Total Amount Attributed to the Consumer is €183.355,90.
Finance example of €100,000.00, for 30 years, for 2 joint account holders, for 30 years of age, and funding/guarantee ratio of 100%, intended for the acquisition of permanent housing. Commissions and Expenses at the beginning of the term: €1,879.09; Commissions during the term (monthly): €5.41 commission for maintaining a Current Deposit Account; (annual): €18.20 commission for providing the Debit Card; Insurance premiums: Multi-risk (annual): €62.88; Life Insurance (average monthly value): €19,46.
APR of 4,3%, considering the optional subscription of products/services*, for an example with a Variable Nominal Annual Rate (TAN) of 3,514%, resulting from the added spread of 0.90%, to the Euribor index at 6 months of February 2025 (2,614% - average of the daily Euribor 6-month quotations of the previous month, on a 360-day basis rounded to the nearest thousandth) - 360 monthly installments of €449,83. The Total Amount Attributed to the Consumer is €175.036,32.
Finance example of €100,000.00, for 30 years, for 2 joint account holders, for 30 years of age, and funding/guarantee ratio of 100%, intended for the acquisition of permanent housing. Commissions and Expenses at the beginning of the term: €1,879.09; Commissions during the term (monthly): €5.41 commission for maintaining a Current Deposit Account; (annual): €18.20 commission for providing the Debit Card; Insurance premiums: Multi-risk (annual): €62.88; Life Insurance (average monthly value): €18,99.
*These values assume an optional subscription to four of the following products/services: Salary Account; Credit Card with minimum use of €500/semester (maximum EAR of 18,6%) (1); PPCH Life Insurance (subscribed to Lusitania Vida Seguros) (2); Housing Coverage Insurance (subscribed with Lusitania Seguros) (2); Protection Insurance (subscribed to Lusitania Seguros and/or Lusitania Vida Seguros): vehicle, accident or health (2); Member of Montepio Mutualist Association.
APR of 4,7% for a funding example with a Fixed Nominal Annual Rate (TAN) of 3,800% during the 2-year fixed-rate period (2,500% fixed rate, February 2025 value, plus 1.30%). In the remaining period, the Variable TAN is 3,914% resulting from the added spread of 1.30%, to the Euribor index for the 6 months of February 2025 (2,614% - average of the daily Euribor 6-month quotations of the previous month, on a 360-day basis rounded to the nearest thousandth) - 24 monthly installments of €465,96 and 336 monthly installments of €472,13. The Total Amount Attributed to the Consumer is €183.076,85.
Finance example of €100,000.00, for 30 years, for 2 joint account holders of 30 years, and funding/guarantee ratio of 100%, intended for the acquisition of permanent housing. Commissions and Expenses at the beginning of the term: €1,879.09; Commissions during the term (monthly): €5.41 commission for maintaining a Current Deposit Account; (annual): €18.20 commission for providing the Debit Card; Insurance premiums: Multi-risk (annual): €62.88; Life Insurance (average monthly value): €19,44.
APR of 4,3%, considering the optional subscription of products/services*, for a funding example of financing with a Fixed Nominal Annual Rate (TAN) of 3,400% during the 2-year fixed-rate period (fixed rate of 2,500%, value of February 2025, plus a spread of 0.90%). In the remaining period, the Variable TAN is 3,514% resulting from the addition of the spread of 0.90%, to the Euribor index for the 6 months of February 2025 (2,614% - simple arithmetic average of the daily Euribor 6-month quotations of the previous month, on a 360-day basis rounded to the nearest thousandth) - 24 monthly installments of €443,48 and 336 monthly installments of €449,48. The Total Amount Attributed to the Consumer is €174.763,78.
Finance example of €100,000.00, for 30 years, for 2 joint account holders of 30 years, and funding/guarantee ratio of 100%, intended for the acquisition of permanent housing. Commissions and Expenses at the beginning of the term: €1,879.09; Commissions during the term (monthly): €5.41 commission for maintaining a Current Deposit Account; (annual): €18.20 commission for providing the Debit Card; Insurance premiums: Multi-risk (annual): €62.88; Life Insurance (average monthly value): €18,98.
*These values assume an optional subscription to four of the following products/services: Salary Account; Credit Card with minimum use of €500/semester (maximum EAR of 18,6%) (1); PPCH Life Insurance (subscribed to Lusitania Vida Seguros) (2); Housing Coverage Insurance (subscribed with Lusitania Seguros) (2); Protection Insurance (subscribed to Lusitania Seguros and/or Lusitania Vida Seguros): vehicle, accident or health (2); Member of Montepio Mutualist Association.
APR of 5,3% for a finance example with a Fixed Nominal Annual Rate (TAN) of 4.500% over a 30-year fixed-rate period (3.200% fixed-rate, February 2025 value, plus a spread of 1.30%). 360 monthly installments of €506,69. The Total Amount Attributed to the Consumer is €195.913,00.
Funding example of €100,000.00, for 30 years, for 2 joint account holders for 30 years, and funding/guarantee ratio of 100%, intended for the acquisition of permanent housing. Commissions and Expenses at the beginning of the term: €1,879.09; Commissions during the term (monthly): €5.41 commission for maintaining a Current Deposit Account; (annual): €18.20 commission for providing the Debit Card; Insurance premiums: Multi-risk (annual): €62.88; Life Insurance (average monthly value): €20,13.
APR of 4,9%, considering the optional subscription of products/services*, for an example of funding with a Fixed Nominal Annual Rate (TAN) of 4.100% during the 30-year fixed-rate period (fixed-rate of 3.200%, value of February 2025, plus a spread of 0.90%). 360 monthly installments of €483,20. The Total Amount Attributed to the Consumer is €187.294,24.
Funding example of €100,000.00, for 30 years, for 2 joint account holders for 30 years, and funding/guarantee ratio of 100%, intended for the acquisition of permanent housing. Commissions and Expenses at the beginning of the term: €1,879.09; Commissions during the term (monthly): €5.41 commission for maintaining a Current Deposit Account; (annual): €18.20 commission for providing the Debit Card; Insurance premiums: Multi-risk (annual): €62.88; Life Insurance (average monthly value): €19,67.
*These values assume an optional subscription to four of the following products/services: Salary Account; Credit Card with minimum use of €500/semester (maximum EAR of 18,6%) (1); PPCH Life Insurance (subscribed to Lusitania Vida Seguros) (2); Housing Coverage Insurance (subscribed with Lusitania Seguros) (2); Protection Insurance (subscribed to Lusitania Seguros and/or Lusitania Vida Seguros): vehicle, accident or health (2); Member of Montepio Mutualist Association.
APR of 4,7%, for a finance sample with a Variable Nominal Annual Rate (TAN) of 3,914%, which results from an added spread of 1.30%, to the Euribor index for 6 months of February 2025 (2,614% - simple arithmetic average of daily Euribor 6-month quotations of the previous month, on a 360-day basis rounded to the nearest thousandth) - 360 monthly installments of €472,47. The Total Amount Attributed to the Consumer is €183.564,70.
Funding example of €100,000.00, for a 30-year period, for 2 joint account holders for 30 years, and financing/guarantee ratio of 90%, intended for the acquisition of permanent housing. Commissions and Expenses at the beginning of the term: €1,879.09; Commissions during the term (monthly): €5.41 commission for maintaining a Current Deposit Account; (annual): €18.20 commission for providing the Debit Card; Insurance premiums: Multi-risk (annual): €69.84; Life Insurance (average monthly value): €19,46.
APR of 4,3%, considering the optional subscription of products/services*, for an example with a Variable Nominal Annual Rate (TAN) of 3,514%, resulting from the added spread of 0.90%, to the Euribor index at 6 months of February 2025 (2,614% - average of the daily Euribor 6-month quotations of the previous month, on a 360-day basis rounded to the nearest thousandth) - 360 monthly installments of €449,83. The Total Amount Attributed to the Consumer is €175.245,12.
Funding example of €100,000.00, for a 30-year period, for 2 joint account holders for 30 years, and financing/guarantee ratio of 90%, intended for the acquisition of permanent housing. Commissions and Expenses at the beginning of the term: €1,879.09; Commissions during the term (monthly): €5.41 commission for maintaining a Current Deposit Account; (annual): €18.20 commission for providing the Debit Card; Insurance premiums: Multi-risk (annual): €69.84; Life Insurance (average monthly value): €18,99.
*These values assume an optional subscription to four of the following products/services: Salary Account; Credit Card with minimum use of €500/semester (maximum EAR of 18,6%) (1); PPCH Life Insurance (subscribed to Lusitania Vida Seguros) (2); Housing Coverage Insurance (subscribed with Lusitania Seguros) (2); Protection Insurance (subscribed to Lusitania Seguros and/or Lusitania Vida Seguros): vehicle, accident or health (2); Member of Montepio Mutualist Association.
APR of 4,7% for a funding example with a Fixed Nominal Annual Rate (TAN) of 3,800% during the 2-year fixed-rate period (2,500% fixed rate, February 2025 value, plus 1.30%). In the remaining period, the Variable TAN is 3,914% resulting from the added spread of 1.30%, to the Euribor index for the 6 months of February 2025 (2,614% - simple arithmetic average of the daily Euribor 6-month quotations of the previous month, on a 360-day basis rounded to the nearest thousandth) - 24 monthly installments of €465,96 and 336 monthly installments of €472,13. The Total Amount Attributed to the Consumer is €183.285,65.
Funding example of €100,000.00, for a 30-year period, for 2 joint account holders for 30 years, and financing/guarantee ratio of 90%, intended for the acquisition of permanent housing. Commissions and Expenses at the beginning of the term: €1,879.09; Commissions during the term (monthly): €5.41 commission for maintaining a Current Deposit Account; (annual): €18.20 commission for providing the Debit Card; Insurance premiums: Multi-risk (annual): €69.84; Life Insurance (average monthly value): €19,44.
APR of 4,3%, considering the optional subscription of products/services*, for an example of financing with a Fixed Nominal Annual Rate (TAN) of 3,400% during the 2-year fixed rate period (fixed rate of 2,500%, value of February 2025, plus a spread of 0.90%). In the remaining period, the Variable TAN is 3,514%, resulting from the addition of the spread of 0.90%, to the Euribor index for the 6 months of February 2025 (2,614% - average of the daily Euribor 6-month quotations of the previous month, on a 360-day basis rounded to the nearest thousandth) - 24 monthly installments of €443,48 and 336 monthly installments of €449,48. The Total Amount Attributed to the Consumer is €174.972,58.
Funding example of €100,000.00, for a 30-year period, for 2 joint account holders for 30 years, and financing/guarantee ratio of 90%, intended for the acquisition of permanent housing. Commissions and Expenses at the beginning of the term: €1,879.09; Commissions during the term (monthly): €5.41 commission for maintaining a Current Deposit Account; (annual): €18.20 commission for providing the Debit Card; Insurance premiums: Multi-risk (annual): €69.84; Life Insurance (average monthly value): €18,98.
*These values assume an optional subscription to four of the following products/services: Salary Account; Credit Card with minimum use of €500/semester (maximum EAR of 18,6%) (1); PPCH Life Insurance (subscribed to Lusitania Vida Seguros) (2); Housing Coverage Insurance (subscribed with Lusitania Seguros) (2); Protection Insurance (subscribed to Lusitania Seguros and/or Lusitania Vida Seguros): vehicle, accident or health (2); Member of Montepio Mutualist Association.
APR of 5,3% for a financing example with a Fixed Nominal Annual Rate (TAN) of 4.500% over the 30-year fixed rate period (3,200% fixed rate, February 2025 value, plus spread of 1.30%). 360 monthly installments of €506,69. The Total Amount Attributed to the Consumer is €196.121,80.
Example of financing of €100,000.00, for 30 years, for 2 joint account holders for 30 years, and funding/guarantee ratio of 90%, intended for the acquisition of permanent housing. Commissions and Expenses at the beginning of the term: €1,879.09; Commissions during the term (monthly): €5.41 commission for maintaining a Current Deposit Account; (annual): €18.20 commission for providing the Debit Card; Insurance premiums: Multi-risk (annual): €69.84; Life Insurance (average monthly value): €20,13.
APR of 4,8%, considering the optional subscription of products/services*, for a funding example of with a Fixed Nominal Annual Rate (TAN) of 4.100% during the 30-year fixed rate period (fixed rate of 3.200%, value of February 2025, plus a spread of 0.90%). 360 monthly installments of €483,20. The Total Amount Attributed to the Consumer is €187.503,04.
Example of financing of €100,000.00, for 30 years, for 2 joint account holders for 30 years, and funding/guarantee ratio of 90%, intended for the acquisition of permanent housing. Commissions and Expenses at the beginning of the term: €1,879.09; Commissions during the term (monthly): €5.41 commission for maintaining a Current Deposit Account; (annual): €18.20 commission for providing the Debit Card; Insurance premiums: Multi-risk (annual): €69.84; Life Insurance (average monthly value): €19,67.
*These values assume an optional subscription to four of the following products/services: Salary Account; Credit Card with minimum use of €500/semester (maximum EAR of 18,6%) (1); PPCH Life Insurance (subscribed to Lusitania Vida Seguros) (2); Housing Coverage Insurance (subscribed with Lusitania Seguros) (2); Protection Insurance (subscribed to Lusitania Seguros and/or Lusitania Vida Seguros): vehicle, accident or health (2); Member of Montepio Mutualist Association.
APR of 11,5% for a funding example with a Variable Nominal Annual Rate (TAN) of 7,225%, which results from the addition of the spread of 4.70% (without mortgage guarantee), to the Euribor index for 12 months of February 2025 (2,525% - average of the daily Euribor 12-month quotations of the previous month, on a 360-day basis rounded to the nearest thousandth) – 11 monthly installments of €62,22 and 1 installment of €10.060,21. The Total Amount Attributed to the Consumer is €11.072,57.
Funding example of €10,000, for 12 months, with a period of use of 11 months. Commissions and Expenses at the beginning of the term: €351.60; Commissions during the term (monthly): €0; Life Insurance: not mandatory.
APR of 5,1% for a funding example with a Variable Nominal Annual Rate (TAN) of 3,814% resulting from the added spread of 1.20%, to the Euribor index for 6 months of February 2025 (2,614% - simple arithmetic average of daily Euribor 6-month quotations of the previous month, on a 360-day basis rounded to the nearest thousandth) – 360 monthly installments of €237,74. The Total Amount Attributed to the Consumer is €95.559,43.
Funding example of €100,000.00 in Housing Credit and €50,000.00 in a Multipurpose Loan, both for 30 years, for 2 joint account holders for 30 years and a funding/guarantee ratio of 80%, intended for the acquisition of permanent housing. Commissions and Expenses at the beginning of the term: €1,739.73; Commissions during the term (monthly): €5.41 commission for maintaining a Current Deposit Account; (annual): €18.20 commission for providing the Debit Card; Insurance premiums: Multi-risk (annual): €157.20 (only subscribing to multi-risk insurance for the property); Life Insurance (average monthly value): €9,76.
APR of 5,0%, considering the optional subscription of products/services*, for an example of funding with a Variable Nominal Annual Rate (TAN) of 3,414%, which results from the addition of the spread of 0.80%, to the Euribor index to 6 months of February 2025 (2,614% - average of the daily Euribor 6-month quotations of the previous month, on a 360-day basis rounded to the thousandth) - 360 monthly installments of €220,78. The Total Amount Attributed to the Consumer is €90.641,54.
Funding example of €100,000.00 in Housing Credit and €50,000.00 in a Multipurpose Loan, both for 30 years, for 2 joint account holders for 30 years and a funding/guarantee ratio of 80%, intended for the acquisition of permanent housing. Commissions and Expenses at the beginning of the term: €1,739.73; Commissions during the term (monthly): €5.41 commission for maintaining a Current Deposit Account; (annual): €18.20 commission for providing the Debit Card; Insurance premiums: Multi-risk (annual): €157.20 (only subscribing to multi-risk insurance for the property); Life Insurance (average monthly value): €9,52.
*These values assume an optional subscription to four of the following products/services: Salary Account; Credit Card with minimum use of €500/semester (maximum EAR of 18,6%) (1); PPCH Life Insurance (subscribed to Lusitania Vida Seguros) (2); Housing Coverage Insurance (subscribed with Lusitania Seguros) (2); Protection Insurance (subscribed to Lusitania Seguros and/or Lusitania Vida Seguros): vehicle, accident or health (2); Member of Montepio Mutualist Association.
APR of 5,9% for a funding example of funding with a Variable Nominal Annual Rate (TAN) of 4,814%, resulting from the added of spread of 2.20%, to the Euribor index for 6 months of February 2025 (2,614% - average of daily Euribor 6-month quotations of the previous month, on a 360-day basis rounded to the nearest thousandth) – 360 monthly installments of €268,61. The Total Amount Attributed to the Consumer is €103.345,67.
Finance example of €50,000.00 of a Multifunction Loan, for 30 years, for 2 joint account holders for 30 years and a funding/guarantee ratio of 80%. Commissions and Expenses at the beginning of the term: €1,739.73; Commissions during the term (monthly): €5.41 commission for maintaining a Current Deposit Account; (annual): €18.20 commission for providing the Debit Card; Insurance premiums: Multi-risk (annual): €39.24; Life Insurance (average monthly value): €10,36.
APR of 5,7%, considering the optional subscription of products/services*, for an example of financing with a Variable Nominal Annual Rate (TAN) of 4,414% resulting from the added spread of 1.80%, to the Euribor index to the 6th month of February 2025 (2,614% - average of daily Euribor 6-month quotations of the previous month, on a 360-day basis rounded to the nearest thousandth) - 360 monthly installments of €256,04. The Total Amount Attributed to the Consumer is €101.228,63.
Finance examples of €50,000.00 of a Multifunction Loan, for 30 years, for 2 joint account holders for 30 years and a funding/guarantee ratio of 80%. Commissions and Expenses at the beginning of the term: €1,739.73; Commissions during the term (monthly): €5.41 commission for maintaining a Current Deposit Account; (annual): €18.20 commission for providing the Debit Card; Insurance premiums: Multi-risk (annual): €39.24; Life Insurance (average monthly value): €10,12.
*These values assume an optional subscription to four of the following products/services: Salary Account; Credit Card with minimum use of €500/semester (maximum EAR of 18,6%) (1); PPCH Life Insurance (subscribed to Lusitania Vida Seguros) (2); Housing Coverage Insurance (subscribed with Lusitania Seguros) (2); Protection Insurance (subscribed to Lusitania Seguros and/or Lusitania Vida Seguros): vehicle, accident or health (2); Member of Montepio Mutualist Association.
APR of 2,7%, for an example of financing with a Variable Nominal Annual Rate (TAN) of 1,869% - 360 monthly installments of €490,18. The Total Amount Attributed to the Consumer is €194.536,84.
Funding example of €135,000.00, 30 years, for 2 joint account holders for 30 years, and funding/guarantee ratio of 90%, intended for the acquisition of permanent housing. Commissions and Expenses at the beginning of the term: €2,629.89; Commissions during the term (monthly): €5.41 commission for maintaining a Current Deposit Account; (annual): €18.20 commission for providing the Debit Card; Insurance premiums: Multi-risk (annual): €94.32; Life Insurance (average monthly value): €23,07.
(1) Example for the Gold Card:
APR: 18,6%.
TAN 11,000%.
Annual credit card subscription fee of €60.00. The indicated commission corresponds to the payment of 12 monthly installments, charged in advance. The first monthly commission is charged after signing up for the card and subsequent fees are charged within the subsequent 30 days. APR calculated on April 1, 2024, for a credit limit of €2,000.00 and repayment period of 12 months.
(2) It does not exempt the consultation of legally required pre-contractual and contractual information.
Possibility of taking out Life Insurance and Multi-risk Insurance with another Insurance Company, as long as the policy includes the minimum coverage and requirements required by Banco Montepio.
Interest calculation base 30/360.
The variable and mixed interest rates applied may assume negative values depending on the progression of the respective index.
Loan contracts will be guaranteed by a property mortgage. This condition does not apply to the example of funding presented as Loan Down Payments.
Loans subject to Bank approval on a case-by-case basis.